Bible Quiz

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This multiple choice Bible quiz is based on only the first three books of the Old Testament--Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus. Nevertheless I think you will find it to be a difficult test. You can write down your answers to the entire quiz and then look at the answer sheet or you can view the answers as you go. Either way there are chapter and verse references for the correct answers. Start the Quiz.

List of Questions
1.  Rachel and the mandrakes.
2.  Noah's age.
3.  Math problem.
4.  Mosaic Law--intercourse with slave-girl.
5.  Mosaic Law--sentencing guidelines re death penalty.
6.  Mosaic Law--altar etiquette.
7.  Mosaic Law--more sentencing guidelines.
8.  Joseph's reputation.
9.  Dinah's brothers.
10. Abraham in Egypt
11. Time of the Giants
12. Lot's visitors
13. Egyptian bricks
14. Levites
15. Women who have female babies.
16. Eatable food.
17. Aaron becomes a priest.